Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Our necks hold the weight of our heads as we engage in all of our life activities.  We use our necks to position our heads as we work on our computer, talk on the phone, look at the sky, watch a movie, eat, sleep, talk to a friend…  It’s a long list, making the neck vulnerable to various strains and injuries.

Though it’s a busy part of our anatomy, the neck is not something we put our attention on – unless it hurts.  And neck pain can be rough.

“Pain in the Neck” is an idiom that’s been part of the English language since 1900.  It is defined in The Idioms as “Anything that is particularly annoying, difficult, troublesome, inconvenient or irritating including a person, place, situation or thing.”

What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck pain can be caused or exacerbated by several things.  The list includes:

  • Whiplash from being rear-ended in a car accident
  • Muscle strain from long hours of stressful work in front of a computer
  • Holding a phone between the neck and the shoulder
  • Sleeping in a bad position or with a wrong pillow or continuous bad posture
  • Herniated discs and bone spurs can also cause neck pain
  • Years of bad posture can cause neck discomfort

Whatever the cause, the long-term effects of neck-pain can reduce the quality of life.   Life isn’t fun when you have a restricted ability to turn and bend.   It can also be dangerous when you are driving a car or handling equipment.

Symptoms and Effects of Neck Pain

Neck pain can rapidly move up into your head, causing headaches, vision issues or sinus troubles.  It can even affect your thinking process.  It can move down towards your shoulders and spread into your back, causing even more pain.  Or, it can even go down into your arms, possibly even causing numbing into your hands and worse.

Relief from Neck Pain

Any pain is a call from your body that something is wrong.  It’s unpleasant because it is nature’s way of getting you to pay attention and do something.  Pain medication might seem to help for a while, but it can also create problems.  When you aren’t hurting, you are more likely to move your neck in ways that exacerbate the situation.   Then it can really hurt once the medication wears off.  Medications also have their own side effects.  The more you take, the less relief you get, prompting an increase in dosage and frequency.  And that can lead to dependency or even addiction.

Fortunately, there is a natural and safe alternative.

Can a Chiropractor Help with Neck Pain?

According to statistics, tens of millions of people think so.

If you have never been to a chiropractor, investigate chiropractic care as a method to help alleviate your neck pain.

A Doctor of Chiropractic is the least invasive and most conservative type of doctor available.

Even if you have never been to a chiropractor, it’s worth trying the safe and natural approach before you reach for pain medication.  Dr. Pence uses the latest gentle chiropractic techniques available.

You will feel comfortable here.  Our competent and caring staff are here to help you, starting from the moment you walk through the door.

You owe it to yourself and those that count on you to give us a call.

Call 304- 645-6080 to book an appointment.

About the Author: Tim Pence

Tim Pence
Dr. Pence has provided chiropractic care to West Virginia for over 30 years and he continues to be a passionate student of natural health care practices. When he is not in the office, you will probably find Dr. Pence behind a fiddle or a camera. He has been a member of the Celtic Irish band Poteen for 40 years and his photos of the area are some of the best around.

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    Wednesday, Feb 11: Business After Hours at Greenbrier Chiro!

    By |February 2nd, 2015|Categories: events|Tags: , , , , , , , |

    Wednesday, February 11th: Business After Hours at Greenbrier Chiropractic Center Plan to join Greenbrier Chiropractic Center and your fellow Chamber members for your February Business After Hours on Wednesday, February 11th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. This will be an evening of networking, catering by Nanny's Bakery in Union, beverages, and 2

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