Salt Cave Spa. A Must See! by Dr. Tim Pence
Wow! A must see and experience awaits us in nearly our back yard….the Salt Cave Spa up Rt. 92 north of WSS. I rode over on my vintage 1976 BMW mojocycle on Saturday, June 22nd to discover what all the buzz was about.
Situated virtually within a hillside are two earthen like dome structures that transform into an underworldly paradise on the inside. I was warmly greeted by Megan, the receptionist and owners, visionaries, artists, and practitioners, Marius and Adriana Grecu.
Wow. I thought. This is the space and feeling that we all seek, consciously or not.
I, along with others attending the grand opening were escorted through their exquisitely designed reception and spa treatment rooms. Then, at last to the larger domed salt cave. In this 24 ft. Diameter space I stepped sock footed through ankle deep Himalayan salt and was then asked to accommodate myself on one of several circularly arranged loungchairs. While nearly supine and gazing upward I observed an amazing stellar arrangement of fiber optic lights and celestial spheres interlaced with stalagtites of the underworld.
After a few deep inhalations of (-) ion rich air created by the Himalayan salt I began to feel a refreshing physiological and mental calming. Wow I thought, this is the space and feeling that we all seek, consciously or not. A place that can facilitate our innate design to be healthy.
As I was leaving the spa I picked up a brochure of their services and a business card, and true to my own Chiropractic and Nutritional philosophy was their quote from Hippocrates, “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease”.
I’ll certainly be encouraging those that I care for to discover this place for themselves.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)
– Dr Tim Pence. | Featured photo by Christine Atwell. June 21, 2014.
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