Pregnant Women Benefit Significantly by Being Adjusted!

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Getting chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent common discomforts experienced by women.

– Maintain a healthier pregnancy
– Control symptoms of nausea
– Reduce the time of labor and delivery
– relieve back, neck, or joint pain
– prevent a potential cesarean section

Let’s work together during your pregnancy as you will benefit significantly by being adjusted. From the testimonial above, “I could not be happier with Dr. Pence’s chiropractic care during my pregnancy….”

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About the Author: Tim Pence

Tim Pence
Dr. Pence has provided chiropractic care to West Virginia for over 30 years and he continues to be a passionate student of natural health care practices. When he is not in the office, you will probably find Dr. Pence behind a fiddle or a camera. He has been a member of the Celtic Irish band Poteen for 40 years and his photos of the area are some of the best around.

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