It is the intangible and widely variable factor of “elan vital”…. or life force that ultimately governs the healing process. Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, supercede the physical factors. To the extent in which one can communicate and participate with others and with one’s notion of a supreme being, appears to be the greatest insurance of good health.
For several thousand years man embraced the knowledge that he was a spiritual being, a soul, independent of his physical body. Only within the last few hundred years however, has man attempted to explain himself and the universe through physical means alone. While this endeavor has increased our understanding of the physical and has enabled advances in technology, it has done little to further the understanding of ourselves. Today’s conventional medical model is rooted in and has evolved primarily from this physical but limited point of view. It fails to adequately acknowledge a spiritually directed and unifying innate intelligence that governs body function and structure. Rather, man is deemed to be merely a collection of mud and chemistry and therefore, that which ails us is only a matter of matter.
Ironically, the “sciences” purporting to be the authority in the mental health field deny the existence of their very namesake (psych=soul). If mental distress and disorders were primarily a problem related to the soul or spirit, then address to these conditions might best remain in the domain ofspiritual healers or clergymen. However psychiatry, cloaking the medical model, has maintained its existence and justified its solutions by proclaiming to “have discovered” the presence of physical derangement and /or chemical imbalances as the primary causes of mental disease. Furthermore, to expand their wizardry, this enterprise has in recent decades categorized and labeled nearly all human mental and emotional states as potentially “abnormal”, and thus subject to intervention and treatment (usually by drugging).
Additionally, in keeping with the business model of the repeat customer, the widespread psychotropic drugging of children has increased dramatically over the last two decades. Research indicates that early drugging increases later usage of legal and illegal drugs. A thorough investigation of this phenomenon might explain the increase in the incidences of the irrational and incomprehensible mass shootings and other violent behavior that we are somehow asked to grow accustomed to. Ironically, these tragic events typically create more funding for the enterprise by private and governmental institutions…..hmmm. History has repeatedly shown that it is the incredulous that often escapes scrutiny. The destruction caused by this enterprise is only just beginning to be exposed.
Fortunately, the curtains hiding the wizard have been partially torn away and some of the complex yarns have started to unravel. Earlier this year, the newest and thickest edition of the DSM #5 (the latest classification of mental disorders and their billing codes) was released with significant public dismay and tremendous controversy among those within the ranks of the enterprise itself. Further, in 2012 an unprecedented number of class action law suits were recorded against pharmaceutical companies primarily involving psychotropic drugs. Additionally, the largest health care fraud settlement in US history involving psychotropic drugs was reached, an historic 3 billion dollar resolution. – Dr. Timothy Pence, Future Doc.
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