Dear Future Doc: Toxic Alert

toxic alert RGB

Dear Future Doc, I read one of your articles last year that stood out to me and left me questioning our environment.  Your article was about a patient who had chronic neck pain and headaches. In the article you mention that chemical toxins caused your patient to have a weak thyroid and neck pain. What kind of chemical toxins would cause someone to have neck pain or thyroid problems? Was this patient working a job that made him/her exposed regularly to these toxins? Best. James F. Marlinton, WV.

Hello James F. up in Marlinton. Notice I didn’t say Marlington? I appreciate your question regarding chemical toxins. You are referring to a previous Future Doc article in which I wrote about a patient that came to see me due to her chronic, unresolved neck pain. Most cases like this usually respond very favorably to standard Chiropractic treatment to restore alignment and movement to restricted and misaligned vertebral joints. However, in this patient the spinal adjustments only gave her temporary relief . After further evaluation using “Future Doc methods”, I.e. Nutrition Response Testing” it was found that she had a weakened thyroid gland caused by an accumulated toxic load of chlorine. The weakened thyroid in turn will weaken related areas such as the neck joints and muscles, as well as distant seemingly unrelated body tissues and systems. This patient’s neck pain resolved after 3 to 4 weeks of chemical detox and specific nutritional thyroid support. Additionally, this patient also experienced improvement in energy, digestion and bowel movements.Not bad for side effects!

Chlorine is one if the most common toxin that we find. Presumably,  drinking, bathing, and showering of and in chlorinated water is  the primary source of exposure. It’s also a common stressor found in those that participated heavily in pool swimming at some point in their lives. It’s important to know that nearly all of us have had exposure to chlorine and many other toxins throughout our lifetimes. However, our bodies are designed to detox naturally. The problem comes when the exposure is extreme or when our detox systems are overwhelmed and/or weakened by outright nutritional deficiencies… increasingly common fact. Additionally, since the advent of “Better life through chemistry”, our environment and the biological forms that live here have been exposed to an extraordinary amount and variety of new chemical compounds…. most of which haven’t been adequately tested over time for biological toxicity or safety.

In response to your later question regarding work place and toxic chemical exposure, the quick answer is yes. I have found it extremely helpful when initially meeting a patient to inquire about their current and previous work environment. This can give me clues as to what someone may have been excessively exposed to. For example,  car shop work….. then possibly hydrocarbons, landscaping…..pesticides,  dental work…mercury, painter….lead, construction work…arsenic and formaldehyde, ect. And for us common folk that don’t work hard, plastics from our water bottles and aluminum from our antiperspirant!  “As Walter White said….”tread lightly my friend.”

Do you have a question or concern about your health?  If so, please email Dr. Pence at [email protected] or call: 645-6080

About the Author: Tim Pence

Tim Pence
Dr. Pence has provided chiropractic care to West Virginia for over 30 years and he continues to be a passionate student of natural health care practices. When he is not in the office, you will probably find Dr. Pence behind a fiddle or a camera. He has been a member of the Celtic Irish band Poteen for 40 years and his photos of the area are some of the best around.

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Wednesday, Feb 11: Business After Hours at Greenbrier Chiro!

By |February 2nd, 2015|Categories: events|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Wednesday, February 11th: Business After Hours at Greenbrier Chiropractic Center Plan to join Greenbrier Chiropractic Center and your fellow Chamber members for your February Business After Hours on Wednesday, February 11th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. This will be an evening of networking, catering by Nanny's Bakery in Union, beverages, and 2

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