Before it Gets Worse, Check out Chiropractic Care

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Before it Gets Worse, Check out Chiropractic Care.

Discomfort and other symptoms are your body letting you know that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and you better do something about it BEFORE IT GETS WORSE.  Come in for a FREE consultation and see what other options are out there- other than drugging yourself with pain killers (that only masks the problem).

Chiropractic vs. Other Types Of Doctors

Maybe you have only been to a chiropractor a few times, or perhaps never at all.  You may be used to seeing another type of doctor for your symptoms and health concerns including (but not limited to): fatigue, disc pain, back pain, neck pain, constipation, sleep issues, injuries from auto accidents, headache, belly fat, work injuries, weight loss, and detoxification.  Know that you may come in for our introductory FREE consultation to see if chiropractic and/or nutrition is something you would like to pursue.

A doctor of chiropractic is the least invasive and most conservative type of doctor available.  Check out this very effective, yet gentle option first.  You owe it to yourself and those that count on you.

Don’t Suffer Pain and Discomfort…

Whether you’re young or old, any type of health concern is an important one. How do we treat health problems? There’s no single answer, but a healthy lifestyle including a sensible diet might be a good place to start. Dr. Timothy Pence invites you to see him so he can tell you more about our services. He will provide you with appropriate chiropractic and/or outline a nutrition program to keep you healthy now and in the future.

Unless you enjoy suffering from pain and discomfort, it is time to do something about it. 
Before you reach for some over-the-counter remedy in a bottle, consider what that really accomplishes.
You will be just numbing or deadening  your ability to feel the pain, not to forget the NEW pains and side effects these drugs can bring about as well!

Dietary Approach

Dr. Pence will take care of YOU, using the latest safest and most gentle chiropractic techniques available today. Chiropractic is the SAFE and Natural approach to health care.  Better health can lead to not only more years in your life, but more life in those years!

I Have No Time?

We understand that your time is valuable and that it’s difficult to balance work, family, errands, etc. It is those very factors that makes it necessary to carve out an hour to take care of yourself for a consultation and exam before the condition worsens.  Remember, there are many people depending on you being at your best.  If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for them.

Is It Expensive?

Do not let the concern of cost deter you from finding out if chiropractic can help you with your condition.  Put yourself first.  Find out if you are a good candidate for chiropractic by coming in on the special being offered to new patients.  If you decide you would like to proceed and become a patient, know that we are willing to work with committed people, to help them gain back their health.

We accept insurance, medicaid, personal injury, worker’s compensation, and flexible cash payments. To help serve you better, we also have a complete billing and insurance department. 

A Safe & Natural Solution…

Chiropractic care is safe and natural, without the nasty and dangerous side effects of drugs.

We will take care of YOU, using the latest safest and most gentle chiropractic techniques available today. Chiropractic is the SAFE and Natural approach to health care.  Better health can lead to not only more years in your life, but more life in those years!

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About the Author: Tim Pence

Tim Pence
Dr. Pence has provided chiropractic care to West Virginia for over 30 years and he continues to be a passionate student of natural health care practices. When he is not in the office, you will probably find Dr. Pence behind a fiddle or a camera. He has been a member of the Celtic Irish band Poteen for 40 years and his photos of the area are some of the best around.

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